Sunday, February 25, 2007

Uranus: Planet of Rebellion

The Planet Uranus wasn't discovered until 1781. As one of the
outermost Planets, it moves rather slowly through the Zodiac.
The result is that its effect is felt more generationally than
Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its
approach is best met with an expanded consciousness.
Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and
future events are all ruled by this Planet. Uranus sees no need
for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and
create a new mold. While the building blocks (science,
electricity) are safe here, this Planet would rather focus its gaze
on a new world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution,
dictators, an autonomous state and free will all fall under the
aegis of this Planet.
No one will ever characterize Uranus as subtle. This is the
Planet which coaxes erratic and bizarre behavior and byzantine
schemes. A bohemian, utopian society is more in keeping with
Uranus's bent, as are humanitarian ideals. Freedom and
creativity are important to this Planet; Astrology is also within its
realm. Lastly, in keeping with its sudden, sometimes violent and
often unexpected manner, Uranus rules earthquakes and other
natural disasters.
It takes Uranus 84 years to complete its trip around the zodiac. It
is an androgynous energy and rules Aquarius and the Eleventh
House. Uranus is considered to be the higher octave of Mercury
and the first of the transcendental Planets.

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